The Mental Health Green Flag System:

Fostering Mental Fortitude in your Athlete!

Hi Everyone, thanks for checking out this week’s newsletter. Below you'll find:

  • Performance Concept of the week

    • The Mental Health Green Flag System: Fostering Mental Fortitude in your Athlete!

  • Action plan

  • Resource of the week

  • Things to Explore

  • Got Questions?

Performance Concept of the Week

October is mental health awareness month.

In light of this, check out this week’s newsletter to support mental health awareness. As a parent of a competitive or high-performance athlete, understanding the critical role of mental health is essential.

So this begs the question - What should I be looking for?

This is why we have created a list of “Green” and “Red” flags to help you to help support your athletes mental health. Be aware of the “Red” flags, and support your athlete working towards the “Green” flags.

Key Indicators of Thriving Athletes - “Green Flags”

Recognizing and nurturing "green flags" for mental strength can significantly enhance an athlete's performance and overall well-being. These positive indicators—ranging from healthy coping mechanisms to balanced self-confidence—serve as essential markers for parents and athletes alike, guiding them toward a more resilient and fulfilling athletic journey. Here is a list of “Green Flags” to look for:

  • Open Communication 🗣️: Athletes who express their thoughts and feelings openly, whether about performance, personal issues, or mental health concerns, demonstrate a healthy approach to communication.

  • Self-Awareness 🧠: Help your athlete recognize their thoughts, emotions, and triggers. Self-awareness enables them to identify when they need support or time off, which is crucial for maintaining mental balance. The world's best athletes exemplify high levels of self-awareness.

  • Balanced Identity ⚖️: Promote a balanced identity by encouraging interests outside of sport. Having interests outside of sport will support downtime and provide the ability for your athlete to get away from the stress, pressure, and demands of competitive or high-performance sport.

  • Support Network 🤝: Assist your athlete in identifying their support network—those trusted individuals, such as coaches, teammates, friends, and family members. Strong relationships provide emotional support and encouragement, helping athletes manage their well-being through the demands of competing in their sport.

  • Setting Daily Goals 🎯: Encourage daily goal-setting. By striving for specific, intentional daily goals, athletes can gain clarity and purpose in their actions and know their "why." Ask them to identify one goal each in sports, academics, and personal life each day to support drive and purpose.

  • Adaptability 🔄: Teach your athlete to adapt to changing circumstances, such as injuries or performance fluctuations. Resilience in the face of challenges is a key indicator of mental strength, and psychological flexibility is essential for overall well-being.

  • Healthy Lifestyle Choices 🥗💤💧: Promote healthy lifestyle choices, including a balanced diet, adequate sleep, hydration, and prioritizing rest and recovery. These choices reflect a commitment to overall health.

  • Getting Support & Seeking Help 🙌: Remind your athlete that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. Encourage them to reach out when they need support related to performance or mental health.

Key Indicators of Struggling Athletes - “Red Flags”

In addition to fostering green flags, it is essential to be aware of potential red flags that indicate mental health struggles. “Red Flags” are your call to action. Familiarize yourself with the following signs:

Emotional Signs 😔:

  • Mood Swings: Frequent changes in mood or irritability.

  • Anxiety and Stress: Increased nervousness or worry about performance.

  • Sadness or Depression: Persistent feelings of sadness or loss of interest in activities.

Behavioral Signs 🚶‍♂️:

  • Withdrawal: Pulling away from friends or team activities.

  • Changes in Sleep Patterns: Difficulty sleeping or excessive sleep.

  • Changes in Eating Habits: Significant weight loss or gain, signs of disordered eating.

Cognitive (Thinking) Signs 🧩:

  • Concentration Issues: Difficulty focusing or making decisions.

  • Negative Self-Talk: Expressions of self-doubt or low self-esteem.

Physical Signs 💪:

  • Physical Symptoms: Unexplained headaches or stomachaches.

  • Fatigue: Chronic tiredness not proportionate to activity levels.

Performance-Related Signs 📉:

  • Decreased Performance: Noticeable drop in motivation or effort.

  • Overtraining or Burnout: Signs of physical exhaustion or loss of enthusiasm.

Social Signs 👥:

  • Conflict with Peers: Increased tension with teammates.

  • Substance Use: Experimentation with drugs or alcohol as a coping mechanism.

By staying attuned to both the green and red flags and promoting taking action towards the green ones, you can help your athlete navigate the challenges of competitive sports while prioritizing their mental health.

Action Plan

As a practical step, sit down with your athlete and create a “Green Flags Checklist” that is specific to them. Include the green flags mentioned above and personalize it to reflect their unique needs. Regularly review this checklist together to encourage accountability and growth.

Resource of the Week

This week’s resource is our Guide to Mental Health and Performance Resource Guide.

Things to Explore

Got Questions?

Do you have a question, or want to know more about a topic. Let our team of experts help you. Ask your question here by clicking the button below. We will post answers to questions within future newsletters.

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