New Season - New Expectations:

Why Understanding & Managing Expectations is Key to a Successful Season

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  • Performance Concept of the week

    • New Season - New Expectations: Why Understanding & Managing Expectations is a Key to a Successful Season

  • Action plan

  • Resource of the week

  • Things to Explore

  • Got Questions?

Performance Concept of the Week

New Season - New Expectations: Why Understanding & Managing Expectations is Key to a Successful Season

When it comes to a new season we all have high hopes and new expectations whether we are an athlete, coach, parent, or supporter. Every season however there are athletes who do not manage their expectations or have expectations that are impossible to meet and this impacts their game and wellbeing negatively.

They Key »»»» Balanced Expectations!

By supporting your athlete with balanced expectations, it can foster growth, resilience, and confidence on and off the field of play.

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."

Winston Churchill

What Does Balanced Expectations Mean?

Balanced expectations in sports refer to setting goals and expectations that are realistic, manageable, and aligned with both their current abilities and long-term development. The idea is to strike a balance between ambition and realism, ensuring that athletes are challenged but not overwhelmed.

Here’s what balanced expectations typically include:

1. Realistic Performance Goals

Balanced expectations take into account your athlete's current skill level, experience, and readiness, setting goals that are achievable within a given time frame. They avoid placing undue pressure on athletes to perform at levels they are not yet ready for.

2. Focus on Both Process and Outcome

Instead of solely focusing on winning or ranking, balanced expectations emphasize the importance of process-oriented goals—like improving technique, developing mental skills, or skill mastery specific strategies. This helps athletes maintain motivation, even when outcomes aren't as expected.

3. Emotional and Mental Well-being

Balanced expectations consider the athlete's mental health and emotional resilience. They aim to foster a supportive environment where mistakes are seen as learning opportunities, and pressure to perform doesn't lead to anxiety, burnout, or loss of enjoyment.

4. Adaptability and Flexibility

Balanced expectations allow for adjustments based on how the season unfolds. If injuries, unforeseen challenges, or changes in competition arise, the expectations can be recalibrated to fit the new circumstances, reducing stress and frustration.

5. Long-term Growth over Short-term Results

Rather than demanding immediate success, balanced expectations focus on long-term development. This could mean understanding that setbacks are part of the journey and that progress can be nonlinear. The focus shifts to the athlete's continuous improvement and overall growth.

In essence, balanced expectations help athletes thrive by ensuring that they are pushing themselves while maintaining a healthy perspective on their journey, thus encouraging sustained effort, resilience, and enjoyment in their sport.

How Parents Can Support Their Athlete with Balanced Expectations

💡 Celebrate Effort, Not Just Outcomes

  • Praise your athlete's effort, hard work, dedication, and perseverance, regardless of the result above all else!

  • Celebrating effort helps them understand that their value isn’t solely tied to outcomes or winning, but in their commitment to growth. Acknowledging effort over outcomes fosters a mindset focused on continuous improvement rather than perfectionism.

💡 Setting Daily Goals

  • Help your athlete by asking them daily (or most days) what their goal(s) for the day is. Goals can be in sport, school, or even life. Remember daily goals do not have to be grandiose, just something they want to achieve that day! The more they achieve, the more confidence they’ll be.

  • Then ask them if they achieved their goal(s) at the end of the day. If they didn’t achieve the goal, ask how come and what they are going to do about it. This will support their achievement motivation.

💡 Promote a Positive Self-Image

  • Confidence can be built by regularly reminding them of their strengths and the progress they are making.

  • When athletes develop a positive self-image, they are more resilient to setbacks and are less likely to tie their self-worth to outcomes alone. Constantly reinforcing their personal growth strengthens their mental game.

💡 Encourage a Healthy Perspective on Competition

  • Help your athlete view challenges as opportunities to improve and learn, rather than something to fear or avoid. This is called the “Challenge Mindset”.

  • This mindset reduces the pressure to always come out on top and builds resilience when facing adversity. When athletes focus on learning from competition, they embrace growth and stay mentally engaged, even when outcomes aren’t perfect.


As the new season approaches, remember that your influence as a parent is profound. By helping your athlete manage their expectations, celebrate their efforts, and embrace a healthy mindset towards competition, you are equipping them with the tools for long-term success. More importantly, you are helping them build the emotional and mental resilience needed to thrive not only in sports but in all areas of life.

When your athlete knows that you value their effort, see their growth, and support them regardless of outcomes, they’ll feel empowered to face the challenges ahead with confidence and courage.

Action Plan

This week’s action plan includes making a point of asking your athlete what their three daily goals are? Encourage them to have goals in three areas:

  • In Sport

  • In School

  • Another Area in Life.

Then ask them at the end of the day if they accomplished the goal!

Resource of the Week

For a deeper understanding of how to cultivate a growth mindset in your athlete, check out Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck. This book offers valuable insights into fostering resilience, learning from setbacks, and embracing challenges—principles that are crucial for young athletes.

Things to Explore

Got Questions?

Do you have a question, or want to know more about a topic. Let our team of experts help you. Ask your question here by clicking the button below. We will post answers to questions within future newsletters.

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